News & Views: Issue 100

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Oops! Wrong number

The Black Walnut & Copper Vase story (Feb/Mar 2021) has an error. The drawing lists the sides at 11-3/4" tall, but the story says to mill a single piece 22" long to yield these two sides. What gives?

—Herman Susser, via email

Associate editor Derek Richmond replies:

The error is in the drawing dimension. Each side should be 10-3/4" long, which can be milled out of a single piece 22" long, as instructed. The correct dimension is shown here, and it will be corrected in the online version of the article as well. Thanks for keeping us honest.

Guide to buying?

Some of your projects use unique items, like the ball bearing in Shoot the Moon and the tree topper on the Kissmas Tree (Issue 98, Dec/Jan 21). Where can I purchase these items?

—Patricia Theodore, via email

Woodcraft Magazine staff replies:

Specialty parts, tools, finishes, and other items used in our projects are listed in the Buyer’s Guide section of each issue. There, we include current prices, Woodcraft item numbers where applicable, and websites with product numbers for items not available from Woodcraft.

No more for me

Like nearly everyone else this past year, I’ve had a lot on my plate and am just now getting around to reading the June/July 2020 issue of Woodcraft Magazine. What a hoot on page 64, “There’s always one more” I’d bet just about every reader has experienced this same thing. How many times I’ve gone scavenging for a nut, bolt, screw, drawer pull or knob...I don’t know! But it’s been more than a few times. I would need, for example, four screws, just guessed it, there were only three, only three! There’s gotta be one more. Unfortunately, in my case, there seldom was. 

—Jack W. Stanford, via email

Glitchy? Not us!

Yu may find some grammatical, typographical, philosophical, and ethical errors in the pages of this issue. Rest assured, deer reader, that each and every 1 of these was carefully and intentionally placed their by our crack(pot) staff of editors for your April Fools’ Day amusement. 

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