Douglas Gillie, via email
Turning back time. Gillie turned the base and rings around the skeleton clock body from tiger wood, while the support column and finial are dyed maple. The accent ring is set at about eleven o’clock and secured apart from the clock housing with spacers, lending an air of lightness and whimsy to the final design.

Richard Vannice, Albany, Or
Raise your glass. When his daughter received a salvaged piece of glass, Vannice turned it into the centerpiece of a new coffee table for her home. The table is made of monkey pod with maple accents in the legs. At age 87, Vannice says he will continue woodworking “for as long as I can stand at the tool stand and see the cutline.”

Joe Burke, Newmarket, NH
Have a seat. Burke built this pair of cherry chairs for his daughter from plans included in Issue 72 (Aug/Sep 2016), adding an inch and a half to the seating height. The additional height made the chairs more comfortable for dining but forced Burke to work through changing the taper of the rear leg. “I picked up some new knowledge and skills along the way,” he says.

Dave Gilbert, LaFayette, GA
Rent free for wrens. Gilbert crafted this home for the wrens that frequent his Georgia backyard. The house is constructed of white oak on a base of walnut, and the walnut strips up top allow the roof to conform to the house’s elegant curves. A small entry hole and no perch make the project the perfect home for wrens.