Creating Custom Acrylic Pens

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Woodcraft’s Inferno acrylic and Tru-Stone turned pens are hot off the lathe and are shown below with the Wall Street II Pen KitsPen kits and pen blanks are offered in hundreds of choices and styles. In addition to the acrylic pen blanks, we also offer pen blanks in domestic wood, exotic wood, poly resin, inlaycoffee bean, circuit board, deer antler, and many other unique blank choices.

In the video below, Woodcraft Product Development Manager, Ben Bice takes us through the details and demonstrations encompassing the acrylic pen project build…

These pens make a great gift for any occasion, especially when it’s hand made!

And don’t forget the pen case (Item #06R93 shown) for that added touch, and showcasing…

Check out all the pen kits and pen blanks at your local Woodcraft Stores, or on-line.

Photo Courtesy of Lori & Ben

Rosewood Single Pen Case, Item #06R93

As an addition after this blog was released, one of our customers (Tom Vensel) viewed this blog, went out to his local Woodcraft store, purchased everything he needed to make one, and created this beautiful Wall Street II Pen with the acrylic blank, Purple Rain

His wife has appropriated the pen before he had a chance to show it off or use it!

In Ben’s words, “Happy Turning!”

auf Wiedersehen…Frank

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