Whiteside Machine Company

Whiteside Machine Company Woodworking Tools

Whiteside Machine Company is a trusted name in the woodworking industry, renowned for producing high-quality cutting tools and accessories. Whiteside’s diverse range of woodworking tools is designed to meet the demands of both seasoned professionals and woodworking enthusiasts, ensuring you’re equipped for success in every project.

Top-Quality Whiteside Tools & Products

Router Bits: From straight bits to tapered bits, joinery bits to trim bits and router bit sets, Whiteside router bits are celebrated for their precision, durability and reliable performance.

Drill Bits: Whiteside drill bits deliver clean, precise holes and are available in various sizes to suit your needs.

CNC Carving Bits: Designed for computer numerical control machines, these Whiteside CNC carving bits provide accuracy and longevity in demanding applications.

Pen Mills: Pen makers love Whiteside pen mills because they make squaring the ends of pen blanks quick and easy.

Mandrels: Whiteside mandrels are perfect for creating bottle stoppers, pens, badger hair bristle brushes and more.

Guide Bushings & Bearings: Delivering reliable support and precision makes Whiteside guide bushings and bearings essential for smooth, controlled routing tasks.

Why Choose Whiteside Tools?

Whiteside stands out for its unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Made in the USA, these tools are the go-to choice for woodworkers seeking precision, durability and consistency. When you choose Whiteside products, you invest in tools that enhance your woodworking results and simplify your work.

Shop Today!

Explore the Whiteside collection online or at your local Woodcraft store and discover why professionals and hobbyists alike trust this American-made brand for all their cutting tool needs.