Woodcraft Woodshop
Flame Maple Billet
Woodcraft Woodshop
Flame Maple Billet

Maple Flame, also known as curly maple, tiger stripe or fiddleback, is named for the flame-like wavy pattern that is the result of the wood fiber’s distorted growth. These special pieces of wood are frequently used in the manufacture of musical instruments. Our spindles come from one of the leading suppliers of music grade wood to luthiers around the globe. These spindles, while excellent examples of figured maple, have a minor defect–either a discoloration or minor pin knot–that does not allow them to be graded instrument quality. The heartwood is typically a light tan to reddish brown color and the sapwood is usually cream colored with a reddish tint. Figured grain has a tendency to tear out. Tools must be kept very sharp. Reduced cutting angles can help. Flame maple is commonly used in custom furniture, musical instruments, cabinetry, kitchen utensils, turning projects and more. Features: Specifications: 1-1/4" Thick Option: 2-1/4" Thick Option What's Included: Notes:
Our billets come from one of the leading suppliers of music-grade wood to luthiers around the globe. These billets, while excellent examples of figured maple, have a minor defect – either a discoloration or minor pin knot – that does not allow them to be graded as instrument quality.
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